In Ten years time I wish that I can buy a flash car and work at the ASB. I would want to save some for my Bank account. Every week I would save up so that I can do what ever I want to do In Ten Years Time. I really want to to have a job In Ten years time. I would work somewhere so that I can get 10 dollars every week and when I am 20 Years old I can by me a really cool job. I really want to have a awesome job,but what I want to do In Ten Years Time is to wok at the ASB. When I am 20 I will enjoy saving up my money so that I can put it in my bank account. I really love doing work and I also like to play with things. If I did have a car i will wait until I get a licence and when I grow older. When ever i do jobs for my mum i get nothing and when I ask my dad If I can get $5.00 sometimes he says what is it for. And then i always say I need $5.00 because I want to buy me a drink and then i get the $5.00 to buy the drink and then my dad says that i have to share it with all of the kids and then my little baby sister always want it by herself. I would love to have a wonderful job.
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